Especially when you have to clean up the mess afterwards!
This is my favourite picture of Amelia, it just sums up her personality so cheeky and mischievous. She had got into her nappy cream.
Just a week later I found her making her own breakfast. I was feeding Holly and she was hounding me to make her some breakfast. Told her to wait but she took matters into her own hands.
I was pregnant with number 3 at the time and thought I would have a rest. Wow what a shock to find this, if I wasn't exhausted before I was definitely after this. Emma (2 1/2) thought she would make a cake. Luckily I got to her before she got the eggs!
That was a few days later when I had came into found she had broken six eggs on the kitchen floor until she had mastered the last one into a bowl and she was spooning sugar one by one into the bowl, whisking in between each spoonful. I was impressed with her cooking ability but definitely not impressed with the cleaning up afterwards. Sadly to say I didn't get a photo of that mess.
Emma aged 2 1/2, thought she was lacking a bit of colour in her face. So she discovered the world of make-up. Wow doesn't she look pretty!
When Emma was 22 months old I found her coming out of the laundry with my huge, encompassing maternity bra around her neck. Such attractive attire. She wanted to be look just like mummy.
Another escapade was when Emma was 2 years old I found her helping herself to a box of chocolates. She was in heaven until I caught her.
3 year old telling valuable life lessons to a 2 year old " always put your singlet on the right side out and neber eber take it off, neber, neber, eber, eber, eber, o-kay, farrr out". As she proceeds to puting her singlet on, inside out and then panicking about it. We got her all sorted out in the end.
I came to visit about the dress giveaway. But now I realized I entered, but I don't think you live in the USA. (some spellings and vocabulary gives it away) Where do you live? I think it's neat that you are designing again! I plan to return soon!
If you visit our blog, you'll see that I only get crafty once in a while. But I like to.