Introducing Poppy

This is our lovely friend Poppy made by the ever wonderful Becks of Dandelion. I have always adored her bunnies and was so excited when I could buy one for my little girl for her birthday.
Well I would like to say little Poppy is even better in person and is so well made. We all love her to bits!

This is my little girl receiving Poppy and a doll's bed on the morning of her birthday. I was meaning to make a beautiful dolls quilt and bedding to go along with it but having a baby got in the way. I was even stitching in the hospital the day I had my little boy. Her birthday was 10 days after he was born so I decided not to stress over a little blanket. Plus I don't think she even noticed or cared.
I still had a birthday party for her. Crazy I know. I thought I would invite just a few of our closests friends, which we then ended up having 19 children in all. So much for a small affair.

This is the cake my Aunty quickly whipped up. The idea stolen from the Amazing Stacey of Polka Dot Daze. Hope you don't mind Stacey;) It was an exhausting affair but we all recovered, that was now 5 months ago finally blogged now.